Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year, New Fitness Routine!

It’s January, the start of a new year and a month filled with resolutions to be healthier and to get more active. (Raise your hand if one of your New Year’s resolutions was to hit the gym more!)  If walking into a gym and running on a treadmill either bores or intimidates you – remember that there are SO many options out there for fun ways to get active. It doesn't matter if you're in a gym, at home, outside, or somewhere totally new to you... getting active is what's important and having fun doing it will KEEP you active!  There are so many options out there to try this year, here are a few of our favorite finds:

Take a hike: If you live somewhere that ISN’T experiencing the upcoming historically low temperatures, then get out and explore!  Find a local mountain and go ahead and start with the easy trail!  Not only will it get you moving, but walking, hiking and exploring can clear your mind and be unbelievably relaxing! 

Spinning: We keep hearing about the trendy Soul Cycle andFlywheel, but just what are they exactly? Spinning is indoor cycling, usually accompanied by fun upbeat music. It involves using a special stationary exercise bicycle with a resistance setting that you modify throughout your workout. Spinning focuses on endurance, strength, intervals, high intensity spurts and recovery. This is one where you might get addicted!

Dance Classes: You can either check out the schedule at your local gym for classes like Zumbda, or you can look up a local dance school. Many have adult classes in jazz, ballet, hip hop, and even tap dancing! Need some extra encouragement? This is a GREAT activity to do with girlfriends. Trying to get your spouse involved? Try a Salsa dancing class or other upbeat ballroom dance that will be fun, get you moving, and might even spark some romance!

Pilates: This is one of our favoites - Pilates is a body conditioning routine that may help build flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance in the legs, abdominals, arms, hips and back. If you have any back problems this helps strengthen your spine and pelvic alignment while working on your breathing to establish a strong core or center.

Tennis Lessons: Keep an eye out for deals on deal sites such as Groupon. They often offer discounts on packages of tennis lessons, court time, even other things like golf lessons. This is a great way to try new things! 

Barre Classes: Ballet dancers always keep themselves fit and have amazing bodies. We might not all be able to dance like them - but we can work out like them! Barre classes are hot, hot, hot right now. If you live in NYC or LA you can't walk outside without tripping over a new ballet-inspired/barre fusion/dance-ilates studio, and the trend is spreading....FAST! We bet there's already a class offered in your hometown.

Winter Sports: Take advantage of the weather and try getting outdoors. (If you live in the northeast, you might want to wait until this freezing weather passes!) Find a local mountain and take a ski lesson, try cross country skiing, or even take your kids to a local ice rink.  You might think you’re just having innocent fun, but you can burn 300-800 calories gliding around that rink! Even the simple act of taking a walk in the snow is challenging and you will find yourself exerting a lot more energy than on a regular snow-free walk. 

Trampoline Classes: YES - you read this right! Your childhood dream has come true and it has given a new meaning to the term 'bouncing off the walls!' It might not seem like hard work but this new fitness trend has sky rocketed and is becoming more and more popular as trampoline sports centers open around the country. Places like Bounce! have great classes for adults and even children! 

Self-defense classes:  Everyone should know how to defend themselves if you find yourself in a threatening situation, this is a fun way to get a workout in… and you’re learning at the same time! 

AND REMEMBER... Now is actually the BEST time to try those classes at the gym that you have always been too intimidated to walk in to. This time of year you will be surrounded by others who are taking classes for the first time.  A lot of people hit the gym and try new classes in January so you won't be alone. Also – most instructors know that there are newbies in January and alter their teaching to help everyone get up to speed. 

Staying active is so important for your well-being and there is no time like the present to try new things. So grab your buddy and try something new!  It will be fun and if nothing else- your ab's will get their own workout from all the laughter that will be had. 

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