Thursday, June 5, 2014

June Reveille Readers

We've been catching up on our reading over here, have you?! We have collected some great books from past and future Reveille campers and we are excited to share them with you just in time for summer poolside weekends!

Future 2014 Reveille camper!: Linda Sherwood

Linda's Pick: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter

Linda's Review: The summer is the perfect time to wrap yourself up in Jess Walter’s Beautiful Ruins. This novel begins on the rocky coast of Italy in 1962, spans 50 years and two continents with dozens of interesting characters, both real and fictional, who are star struck, love struck and sometimes just stricken…You’ll be engaged by the creative style and this engaging story from beginning to end. 

Book Description:  Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter is the story of an almost-love affair that begins on the Italian coast in 1962...and is rekindled in Hollywood fifty years later.

Reveille Camper: Carla Slater Kettrick 

Camper in: 2013

Carla's Pick: The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Carl's Review: I would recommend The Happiness Project by Gretchen Runbin. It is a very good launch pad for people who are looking to add a little more happiness to their lives.

Book Description: Ranked #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, Author Gretchen Rubin, chronicles her life adventures during a year period to study scientific research as well as popular culture on ways to be happier. What she discovered will change the way you view "happiness". It is the little things that matter most.

Reveille Camper: Riselle Abrams

Camper in: 2008-2014!  

Riselle's Pick: Women of the Silk by Gail Tsukiyama 

Riselle's Review: This book was of an historical nature taking place in rural China in the 1920's and 30's follows young women in a silk factory. Reminds us of the hardships in life that we all have the courage to overcome.

Book Description: Back in rural China in 1926, a group of women forge a sisterhood amidst the reeling machines of a silk factory where they work from dawn to dusk. The young women use their strength and ambition to achieve freedom they could never have hoped for on their own.

Reveille Camper: Ali Barrella 

Camper in: 2013-2014

Ali's Pick: The Promise of a Pencil by Adam Braun 

(This book is also highly recommended by Joan! She recently interviewed Adam at an event and you can hear the interview here!) 

Ali's Review: If you're looking to be inspired, this is the book for you! Not only does The Promise of a Pencil make you want to help create extraordinary changes throughout our world, but it is a self motivational story that will make you appreciate the little things in life. Items we take for granted could be considered delicacies to someone in another country. Author, Adam Braun, asked a little boy in India what he wished for and wanted most in the ENTIRE world, his shocking response was....a pencil.

Book Description: The Promise of a Pencil is the story of author Adam Braun and his journey to creating his own non-profit (or as he would call it, for profit) organization, Pencils for Promise. The riveting story of how a young man turned $25 into more than 200 schools around the world and the guiding steps anyone can take to lead a successful and significant life. 

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